Friday, July 2, 2010

This Week in Pictures

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this blog post is gonna be a novel! :)

Fun times at the girly-girl orphan party/Bible study as the girls show me their nails and we sing (in English! :)
And I got to assist in a C-section... Isn't he adorable!?!?
And pray with a little one with AIDS... he's 12 months old, and I'm not sure that he has much time left...
And today we hosted a continuing medical education seminar for the doctors and nurses. God sent us an AMAZING turnout as 27 people showed up!! It was incredible! We discussed HTN during pregnancy (eclampsia is a common thing that I've seen in our hospital) and management, which lead to an incredible discussion, lots of questions, and the consumption of tons of homemade cookies and juice!
It's been quite a week! Thank you for your prayers!!! 

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