Sunday, February 14, 2010


My time in Haiti is fraught with miracles. While I do not know why God would allow such widespread devastation, I know that I can see His working in the midst of it.

When I first felt compelled to go to Port and help after the quake, the Lord sent me all of the supplies needed for start a small medical relief clinic. I had composed a list of the things that I thought would be helpful, and all of them showed up at my door within 48 hours. They came from 2 other medical groups doing free clinics in my town-- groups that I had no idea were even in town! They showed up at my door offering me the very items I had listed. 

The travel to Port was directed by God. He brought all of the right people to make my travel possible. And He talked to me on the trip over to get my heart ready, reminding me that "Those who seek to save their life shall lose it, but those who lose it for My sake shall find it."

He sent groups of people in to work and to bring supplies at just the right time!! A doctor in Michigan worked in Haiti in the 90's and over the course of last year felt compelled to visit Haiti again. God had already been setting him in place, tugging at his heart, to be a part of the work in Haiti even before the quake. After the quake, he received a call from the flight director of Amway, who offered him the use of several private jets if he wanted to travel to Haiti. All commercial flights have been cancelled since the quake. Those flights brought in countless medical personnel and supplies and took a tired Diane back to the States for a couple of weeks of rest.

Another miracle story is about a man named Pierre. He was attending a conference with 199 others at a hotel on the day of the earthquake. He and one other man made it out alive. His tibia and fibula were shattered requiring a below the knee amputation. Before surgery, he bravely told a nurse, “I can live without my leg, but I cannot live without souf (‘breath’ in Creole).” The nurse, a former missionary nurse to Haiti, proceeded to tell him that the prophet Isaiah said that God wrote our names on His Hands. Those Hands hold the universe in them, yet He sees our names written on them. Two thousand years ago, His Son, Jesus, stretched out those Hands to die on a cross that takes our burdens, our sorrows, our sins that separates us from Him. Three days later, He conquered death to offer us life after death with Him in heaven. She offered this man more than just breath; she told him about eternal life. He accepted that gift!

There are so many more miracle stories! I'm traveling back to Haiti today, and that too is a miracle story!!! I'll have to tell you about that one later, though, as my flight is about to land!

1 comment:

Gabie said...

Your name too, Diane, is written in His hands and may those hands protect you, strengthen you, sustain you, and love you as you continue to be His hands and feet to His children in Haiti.

Much love and blessings,


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