Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eulogy for a Future Friend

Marland and I were going to be friends. I just knew it. 

We first met briefly at church in December, but we really talked on January 9th. She was 24 and had just finished nursing school. I promised to look for an opening in the hospital for her. We were excited about teaching each other our native tongues, as her desire to speak English and mine to converse in Creole were equal. We giggled and talked and made plans. We were going to be friends.

On Monday, January 11, 2010, she traveled back to Port Au Prince to graduate from nursing school. The following day, her house crumbled like a concrete sand castle during the earthquake, crushing the skull of her brother Jacky (21) and killing her and her sister Ketheline (20) instantly. 

Marland's story starts much earlier than my almost friendship with her...

Marland's mother and father both grew up in extremely difficult circumstances. I've heard it said that they both child slaves. I haven't had the guts or heart to ask either about their life story yet. She and her husband both became Christ followers, and they live on the Saline. The Saline is the poorest part of our town. It floods several days a yet, and its inhabitants become homeless, living on the streets of the town. Homes are one-room shacks. 

One month after Marland and her twin sister Merline were born, their mother started work on the Wesleyan Mission Station on LaGonave as a cook. As she fed missionaries her amazing meals, she was saving her income to put her children through school. Education is expensive in Haiti, and usually the only route to make a better life.

Marland and her 5 siblings were accepted into Compassion International's system. They studied hard. Marland was almost a nurse. Merline is an accountant. Jacky was a mechanic. Ketheline was studying languages at a university hoping to be a translator for an embassy someday. The two youngest are still in grade school. 

Two days before their death, Jacky and Ketheline shared in church. They both gave professions of faith. After the earthquake, their father shares with anyone who will listen that God must have had a huge party in Heaven to welcome home 3 of His kids... Marland, Jacky, and Ketheline.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend Diane :( My heart breaks for you and all the things you are going through... but I know that God is using your amazing spirit for his glory. I love you!

Amy said...

oh Diane, I am so sorry. They are such a wonderful family, I am praying for them, and for YOU and the rest of the team down there. love you all!!

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