Reality can be heavy here. Several items have been weighing on me this week as I'm stuck on the couch recuperating. This year has been such a different year than I had envisioned, but I'm so thankful that none of it takes the Lord by surprise! It's been a year of the reality of poverty and death and hungry orphans. It's been a year of typhoid and PTSD and grief and love.
This morning I read a passage of Scripture that spoke so much truth into this crazy year... this year of earthquakes and death and squalor and typhoid...Jesus was on His way into Jerusalem for the last time before His death, and He was talking to His disciples and said, "Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, 'Father, save Me from that hour'? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to Your Name." (John 12: 27-28)
I know that in so many ways, I am still learning to be like Jesus. But especially in this way, I want to be like Him, so that my heart's cry is not, "Father, save me from Haiti and disease and poverty and a broken heart," but rather, "Father, bring glory to Your Name!" Glory to Him in the midst of typhoid and earthquakes and nightmares. As you pray for me, please join me in praying that it may be so and that the Father may get much glory from my being here. I'm praying that we all seek not to avoid pain but to glorify Him.