Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
I think we might have done just that this week...
A couple of weeks ago, I met with the medical director of the hospital to discuss the hospital's needs, post-earthquake. Our supply line for the hospital has disintergrated with the crumbling of Port Au Prince, and the Lord has touched the hearts of many generous donors to supply us with needed items to keep the hospital running. On the list of items still in demand were tents, as our in hospital patients are now being housed in tents. During the earthquake of January 12th, our hospital building sustained several areas of structural damage rendering out in-patient wards unusable. The US military showed up at my hospital while I was in Peti Goave and brought several army tents to house the in-patients. It was so helpful but also not quite enough.
Thursday night, Pete Thompson got an email about tents. Pete is an awesome guy from NY who's here this month helping with food distribution. Pete and his nephew Caleb helped to arrange the donation and distribution of over 80,000 pounds of food to the needy of LaGonave. At dinner, Pete mentioned the email about tents, and I told him about the hospital's need for a few more tents. It's neat how God networks things! On Saturday afternoon, a group of 7 people from YWAM showed up to put up tents for the hospital! Ask and you shall receive!!
And it sure seemed like we entertained some angels unawares.
Another one of my new jobs post-quake is arranging medical supplies and personnel as they come to my town of Anse-a-Galets. I am so thankful for the donated supplies, but I wasn't here for the arrival of many of them. They got stacked into 2 rooms almost up the ceiling and in no particular order. Saturday morning, the hospital staff informed me that they are almost out of pediatric nasogastric tubes and very much in need of more. I was worried that they might be in the boxes of donated supplies and Saturday afternoon had a rather stressed prayer time about it. I ended up telling the Lord that I wasn't sure how I, one girl, would be able to sort through 2 rooms full of boxes to find the right supplies. I prayed (with probably not very much faith I might add) that He would move the mountain of boxes just like He promised that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, it can move mountains. Twenty minutes after my SOS prayer, I got a phone call from Caleb that the YWAMers put up the tents really fast and were asking for more work.
What a blessing!! In a little over 2 hours, they rearranged and inventoried every box of donated items. God moved the mountain of boxes for me, using His sweet servants the YWAMers!!!
Sunday morning, they were supposed to travel back to Port. I went on the boat with them, only we realized shortly after leaving that the transmission was having trouble. We returned back home to change to a different boat, only to return to an even rougher sea. For fear of capsizing, we returned to the mission station. We had left early to hopefully have smoother seas and missed church, so we had a small service here. One of the YWAM guys leads worship in the States, so he offered to lead us in worship. With the craziness of the earthquake, I've only been to church 3 Sundays this year, so it was wonderful to sing in English and have a church service! We listened to a sermon podcast that Matt had downloaded, and I was so blessed by the message on the end of Matt. 11. There, Jesus invites us who are weary and heavy laden to find rest in Him and a light load in His yoke. I was so blessed to hear that after last week's heavy burdens.
At the close of our impromptu service, the YWAM group asked to pray over us missionaries. It was such a sweet time! I truly feel like we may have just entertained some angels unawares.